About Us

Who are we? -- The Satori Certificate of Musicianship program is designed as a comprehensive curriculum of independent music study. It is entirely about providing a test which evaluates the progressive growth of all its students, meaning that it is just as suited for those who play as a hobby or for casual recreation, and those who are striving to become professional musicians.
What we do? --

The Satori Certificate of Musicianship is dedicated to the knowledge, enjoyment and appreciation of music. We provide a platform for young Musician showing their talent and dedication to the whole world.   
The Satori Certificate of Musicianship host variouse events. It includes recital, professional performance, holiday concert, exam, contest and etc.

  • SCM Exam -- SCM has quite rich performing programs. After the ten levels of exams there are three Virtuoso Artist levels that give more opportunities for serious young musicians show their talents. (Detail can be found at SCM Exam Section)
  • Satori Strings Contest -- Ten years event in the greater Los Angeles area.
  • Southwest Bach Festival -- The Southwest Bach Festival is designed for music contest of the Baroque period. The goal is to promote the classical music education and building motivation for the young people to learn classical music. Many studies indicate that an education in music helps youngsters' concentrate in all other fields of studies. The contest contains over hundreds of categories that cover every age group and study level.
  • Virtuoso Recital -- Coming Soon
  • American Young Virtuosi -- Coming Soon
  • Performance/Recital -- We also provide the service to help you orginizing recital, performance, concert and any other event. So you can focus on teaching your rich and very valuable music knowledge to student. (Detail see here)
  • Holiday Concert and Annaul Honor Recital -- See our event calendar for upcoming event.